Happy New Year! Now, to avoid sounding cliché might be a bit difficult because the message of hope has been around forever and is more relevant than ever today. Not sure why we ignore it but I suppose circumstances can alter our thinking. But even God has hope for us – Jeremiah 29:11 – an ‘expected end’. Merriam-Webster ties “hope” with the words “anticipate, expect, trust”.
The calendar page has flipped and we are counting down yet another year. It is unrealistic to begin this new year amidst such tumultuous economic conditions without first reverencing this first day that the Lord has made. Every day that we are able to use all of our senses (or whatever combination work for you) is a day to rejoice in. We can’t pretend there are not tragedies happening all around us – someone that we know and love has lost their life, job, son, daughter or parent. But we can’t lose our expectancy – our hope!
The scriptures say (Psalm 30:5) “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning”. In fact, when you read this book, David is praising God for victory, for healing, “thou hast kept me alive”. This very book demonstrates that we must have hope as David “cried to thee, O Lord”, “made supplication” and cried “Hear, O Lord, and have mercy upon me: Lord, be thou my helper”. He talks about how God delivered – “Made my mountain to stand strong”, “turned for me my mourning into dancing: . .put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness”. Is that not hopeful? Then the book of love, I Corinthians:13 says the greatest gifts “are faith, hope and charity…”
We always have hope because the Bible says hope is fulfilled when we cry out to the Lord. Then we must praise Him and thank Him for saving and rescuing us, even for His promise to do so. We should “rejoice in the Lord alway” (Philippians 4:4). Verse 6 goes on to say “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”. We are not to worry. Hope springs eternal, it’s a gift that we all have should we decide to accept and use it.
Our soon to be inaugurated president, Barack Obama, won the election not only because he is ordained for this time, but because he was able to instill a sense of hope in Americans. His confidence that he will begin to lead us in a way inclusive of all Americans with integrity and intelligence has certainly fostered an expectancy among us of great things to come. For this we should turn to God with praise and thanksgiving, making supplication then exercising our faith and love. We must use the gift we always have – HOPE!
Be blessed and be a blessing this year and expect great things!
Welcome to my website! I love sharing my testimony because God has been so amazing in my life. I hope always that you are uplifted and know that ALL of God's blessings are available to you if you trust Him, live by His word and remember it's all about love!