Monday, November 7, 2011

The Calling of "The Call"

If you don’t believe we are experiencing a miraculous move of God, then you obviously have not yet registered for ‘The Call’; a 24 hr. prayer gathering at Ford Field on 11-11-11! The few of the prayer points for this event are racial, denominational, gender and age reconciliation in the city of Detroit. It has been said “As Detroit goes, so goes the nation!” Well, Detroit is going into prayer – take heed nation! Detroit is praying for unity in the body of Christ, and oh, how we need that.

"If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. 16 For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually."
2 Chronicles 7:13-16

One could say that locusts have been devouring Detroit; that pestilence is widespread among us and we’ve been waiting for heaven’s rain. God goes on to promise in this scripture that He will hear our prayers, forgive our sin, heal our land if His people who are called by His name humble themselves, pray, seek his face and turn from their wicked ways! He says, if we do this then His eyes and ears and heart open to us, to our prayers and that He shall be here perpetually. This alone should be a mandate for the body of Christ. How awesome that Lou Engle has, by the Spirit of God, engineered this amazing opportunity for the body of Christ to fast, pray, humble ourselves, seek God’s face – turn from our wicked ways; together in unity!

Racism is a wicked way! The Call disintegrates racial wickedness, joining hands across racial lines to seek the face of God – oh how beautiful! Detroiters are accustomed to knights on white horses coming in to rescue the city, we’ve learned to discount those voices. But this time Lou Engle has said the body of Christ cannot have a call to prayer without the entire body present. Every black church in the city of Detroit should attend The Call or at least send a representative. Every white church in the metropolitan Detroit area should attend or send representatives to The Call. Every Bible-believing body in this area, including Hispanic, Asian – everybody, should make sure they are represented. The last prayer Jesus prayed before going back to the Father was that we learn to be one as He is one with the Father. The prayer was for unity among believers.
(John 17:11, 21-23)

So not only was Jesus’ last prayer for unity in the body, (“those who are mine”) but the Psalms say there is a commanded blessing when brethren dwell together in unity. (Psalms 133) The Call is a WIN!WIN! opportunity. An opportunity for the body of Christ to shed denominational, racial, social and any other type of bias that just does not belong to those who are called. Remember the redeemed of the Lord must say so!

Pre-register for The Call (it’s free to get in but you must register) at and join in with thousands of your brothers and sisters in prayer, praise and worship of our Father! Calling all Saints! Watch and see what happens when God hears the unified prayers of His people!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Calling All Readers!

On Sunday October 2, 2011 at 3:00p.m., Khiana Washington – one of my newest friends and client is having a book signing at Barnes and Noble in Royal Oak on Main St.! It is her first published book called Looking Past the Mirror.

Looking Past the Mirror is a fiction piece about a 15 year old girl torn by the dysfunction in her family, moving to a new town and her own secrets. She seeks redemption but doesn’t know how to reach out and love. This is a heady topic for such a young lady – OH – did I mention that Khiana is only 16 years old herself?

Yes, 16 year old Khiana Washington is having her 1st book signing and I’m so excited for her. By the way, she is a student at Royal Oak High school interested in attending Boston University after graduation. There she will study screenwriting.

I invite you out to support Khiana in her 1st book-signing and walk away with a signed copy of Looking Past the Mirror! Can’t attend? Check out her website:

Sunday ~ October 2, 2011 @ 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Barnes & Noble ~ 500 S. Main St., Royal Oak

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pop That Kid!

So, I’m in line behind a woman and her four year old and the woman is pleading – I said PLEADING – with the child to behave. She’s promised all kinds of treats, yes the sugary kind, if this cute little girl would only come back in line. Like any four year old, or really, any rebellious child who knows no boundaries, the kid ain’t interested!

Having once been a young mother with two little ones who were fourteen months apart in age, I try to reserve judgment. I can’t know what this woman has been through today. I can’t know why she won’t more decisively handle this kid, perhaps the woman herself has self-esteem issues. And as I realize that I am rationalizing this child’s behavior AND the mother’s lack of behavior, I also realize that this is a major problem with societal behavior today. But before I go there and at the risk of angering all the pleading parents out there who “don’t want to stifle their kid’s natural creativity” let me just say this: Pop That Kid!

Now there is a flip side to this and I must make mention of the young mother we see at the mall with her child(ren). “Mama, mama, mama can i…?” Mama is on her cell phone or talking to someone else, totally ignoring the child. Finally as the child attempts to climb out of the stroller to get what they want, she sees them and whacks, jerks, smacks or otherwise pops the kid. C’mon, do you really expect a kid who is being ignored by their ‘mama’ to give up on striving for attention? And what does mama do – she snatches the kid by the arm “sit your butt down in this stroller and don’t get up!” All I can say is – poor child. His mother has tuned him out so well that she probably doesn’t even hear him calling her until the 5th or 6th time. This raises a whole other conversation – one we’ll tackle in a future blog, but for now let’s just acknowledge that, hitting or spanking is NOT always the answer.

I know popular culture has made it unacceptable to spank but unfortunately that seems to equate with a lack of discipline. Who actually thinks it is reasonable to have an argument with a four year old? Sorry, I just don’t have time! Pop that kid! No, I don’t suffer from anger management problems and I don’t have violent tendencies. I suffer from having to deal with people who possess a lack of civility, decency and yes even a lack of simple courtesy. Has anyone considered that raising a generation of little people who grow up thinking their wants and desires are the only consideration of importance is actually anti-social behavior?

Now, don’t get me wrong, the first course is always to talk to or teach your child – at home so they exhibit the proper behavior in any setting. But these cunning little intelligencia’s have been learning from you and they know you will behave totally different in public places. They don’t understand what embarrassment is but they smell it and know a little tantrum will get them whatever they want irrespective of anyone else but themselves. So, if this is what you’re teaching them at age four; when do you teach them sharing and collaboration and respect for others…simple courtesy?

At age two the little darlings are just finding they are separate entities from their parents and so find power in their autonomy. They are free spirits driven by exercising their newfound powers – wake up parents, start teaching them something. At age three they know a lot of things, especially what they want. This often obnoxious behavior translates into obnoxious adulthood if left unchecked or should I say ‘not retrained’. But honestly, these are extremely important learning times for our youngsters. They are learning about people, about toys, about things and about themselves and unless you’re going to send them off to a deserted island to live alone – teach them discipline too. They’re going to grow up and spend years in therapy because they can’t figure out why no one likes them and why they have no friends. If we do not discipline our kids – while they are kids, they grow up to be adults that can’t “play well with others”. Trust me, tantrums will occur in a two, maybe even a three year old and while the discipline lessons are being taught, several terse moments may occur. However, a child who is now four, five or six should have already learned the discipline lessons.

There is no reason a four year old should be allowed to throw a temper tantrum at home or in public. A four year old can pour their cereal and milk, bathe themselves, get dressed, read, say “Thank you”, “Please”. They’ve learned how to ask for things and they understand that “no” means they will not get what they want. So on top of all the lessons these precious ones have learned; they’ve also learned how to recognize and exploit weakness. And if you let your four year old run things; you’re weak!

So, lest I sound like I’m ranting and raving let me summarize:
• I’d much rather talk to my child and explain things than have to spank them, but trust me, if the need arises I would spank them in a minute if they are disobedient. That need arises when I’ve taught them, I know they understand and they aggressively disobey. Pop that kid!
• A child raised without proper discipline will have more experiences that break their spirit than getting spanked as a child.
• Adults don’t get to have their way all the time
• Adults have to work in teams, be neighbors, be family members – get along with others without having their way
• “Because I said so!” is something I hated hearing while growing up and swore I would not say to my kids but I learned the importance of telling a kid to do something without getting their permission or agreement. Adults have to listen to and obey the voice of God without permission or agreement! Train up your child!
• If begging and pleading with your children actually worked I’d say you should never pop that kid; but so often – nine times out of ten, these children of these weak parents are ill mannered, rude, anti-social, disruptive, and obnoxious

Our society is plagued with a consciousness that seems increasingly devoid of standards, principles and values. This is probably a result of whiney little kids who learned that they could kick and scream and get their way regardless of others. We have enough problems these days. And isn’t it clear that we’re all in the same boat? If you drive from Grosse Point out to the Bloomfields you’ll see the same sheriffs notice posted on foreclosed windows there that you’ll see in Detroit and its surrounding areas. The point; we are the same! We’re parents, teachers, managers, workers, friends, family, doctors, actors, artists – we’re just people with goals and aspirations of a good life and happiness. Please don’t raise obnoxious snotty little kids. Instead raise kids to respect authority, to play with others, to share and if they don’t get it – a little POP goes a long way! And if you don’t pop that kid, remember, their teachers have overcrowded classrooms and won’t have time to deal with kids who have behavior problems. Those are the kids they stick in special ed classes… “lack of age appropriate social skills”.

Monday, June 20, 2011


I’ve always been amazed by – His Air!
Summer breezes blowing memories of ice cream cones
and bicycles, of fish frying and warm muggy joy.
The summer storm caressing thickly, foretelling
the rain to come. Air so thick you have to catch your
breath. His breath, His air!

Winter is crisp! Harsh, hard – like Thanksgiving Day. Like standing
outside at the parade to wait for Santa. Like freezing your face, but
being so excited you barely felt it. Like coming home to the smell
of Thanksgiving dinner and fogged up windows – Mom’s been
cooking. Like waking on New Year’s Day to peek outside and see the
untouched snow and the cold winter sky and hear the stillness and
feel the serenity.

His air is warm in the spring! Full of excitement, expectations! Life
reawakening! Smell the newness of His Air – the brightness of
His sun! Is that why people fall in love? Something about
His air! His beauty comes alike – inhale! exhale! – invigorate!

As summer wanes, fall air glides in. Bringing golden retreat of green leaves
and wilted flowers. The magnificent colors, the rustic air. Ending
yet beginning. The smell of new school clothes mixed with the
departure of skinned knees and dusk that began at 9:30 when the
street lights came on. The anticipation of brisk breezes blowing
a new kind of freshness and memories of burning leaves.

His air still amazes me! We breathe it. It is life – it is love – His love.
It is full of memories, the story of our lives, it is history.
This same air, since the world began and He breathed it into man, since
Christ was born giving us all new like! This same air breathed in
Africa and England, frigid at the North Pole, scorching at the
equator. His air blankets the universe – we don’t’ understand it, we
try to predict it, but for sure we breathe it. We breathe His air!

Even from everlasting to everlasting, we breathe His Love!

(c)Darlene Carol Dickson, 1997

Monday, April 18, 2011

Manifold Grace Publishing House

Wow, I can hardly believe it’s been four months (on 4/30/11) since I retired! I’m still working on planning a luxurious vacation (like my sister-in-law wants to go on an Alaskan cruise) or time to sit around for a few days, feet propped up, eating bon-bons. Well, truthfully, truffles have been readily available – and I don’t need them! But, let me assure you I am enjoying my new found time, no, that’s not true. Enjoy, yes; new found time; huh? There is no new found time!

My time has been spent pursuing a dream, a God-given dream. Manifold Grace Publishing House – my dream. I got the idea of starting a publishing company for the first time about 10 years or so ago, I only know that because while cleaning out some old boxes to set up my office, I actually found materials I had researched dated ‘2000’! I didn’t even remember that but that’s why us pack rats keep everything. I did remember about three or four years ago when God gave me the idea about a publishing company. Once again I began the research and quickly concluded that I just didn’t have time to deal with this new venture.

How dare I put God on a shelf? In Old Testament days I probably would’ve gotten ‘smoted’ for such disrespect. Thank You Lord for mercy through Christ Jesus. Anyway, last year while going through chemotherapy, while I had no mental capacity to argue with God or turn off His voice…it came back. Publishing company. Another difference was that this time I had a little more experience; life experience. My faith had been tested over a series of life events, including the cancer battle I was going through. These events improved my hearing and I heard the voice of God saying “Yes, it’s me. It’s not your imagination, I want you to help my people share their testimonies.”

I listened and so Manifold Grace Publishing House was born. We are a full service publishing company specializing in ‘book whisperer’ services designed to ensure your words are crafted to shine brightly on the world stage. How exciting is that?! In addition to the publishing aspect of our company, we conduct writing workshops. The inaugural Writer’s Workshop “So You Want to Write a Book Huh?” was held at the Redford Library on March 5, 2011 and it was so much fun. (see following article) Other such workshops are being planned so stay tuned. But in the meantime, beginning on May 15, 2011 we will be conducting a Writer’s Workshop at Detroit World Outreach. So all you interested DWOites join me in Room 202 after 8:00 a.m. service.

Aspiring authors, just know that I am here to help you. Check out my website but even more than sharing the amazing opportunity I have to start a second career, I want to remind you that God has a way of ordering your steps if you only pay attention. What is that thing in you that stirs your passion? What is it that your neighbors, your cousins, even strangers end up talking to you about? Do you ever wonder about that? Ever wonder what it would be like to have a daycare when it seems everyone has tagged you as a babysitter. When was the last time you had an idea that “just came to you”? Did “something” tell you to start doing something that you put on a shelf? Write a book? Learn to play piano? Go back to school? Change your eating patterns? Well, you know what “something” told you!

Think about it. Think about your future, your destiny. Listen to your heart, trust your gut but above all trust your God. His ideas are so much better than ours and He doesn’t make mistakes…He never fails and He loves us above all else. The manifold graces of God are enough to cover you for a lifetime! Get busy, get started - do 'it'. He's waiting for you to move...

So, You Want to Write a Book, Huh?

So, You Want to Write a Book, Huh? Seminar on self-publishing seeks to turn Metro Detroiters into authors

By James David Dickson | For Manifold Grace Publishing House

April 14, 2011

Your story needs to be told, but you can never find the time to write it.

You’ve written your story but soon found that getting a publishing deal and seeing your work on the shelf of your local bookstore can take years. Your creation goes back into a box in the basement, never to be seen again.

Darlene Dickson and Jenine Warren believe that your stories deserve better. On Saturday, March 5, 2011, the two authors/publishers came together to offer a seminar on the “pay-to-publish” world of the 21st Century - the market most authors will have to navigate if they want their words to appear between covers.

More than 40 Metro Detroiters joined Dickson (CEO, Manifold Grace Publishing House) and Warren (CEO, Kingdom Scribes Publishing) at the Redford Public Library for the seminar, which was titled “So You Want to Write a Book, Huh?”

The 3-hour seminar started with an overview of the writing process, led by Dickson. Most attendees were not writers, by trade. Even if they have an idea burning inside, getting it on paper often proves a challenge. The idea of writing a book can be so overwhelming that the author stops before they start. Which is why the first piece of advice was to pray: For inspiration, for revelation, and for direction.

“The book you might think you want to write might not be the book God wants you to write,” Dickson said. "Better to have a firm idea of where you’re headed, who your target audience is, and what you hope to accomplish with the book before committing pen to paper."

Structure is often a challenge for writers who are just starting out, which is why Dickson and Warren recommended that writers use an outline.

At the top of the page is the title of the book. Below it are the chapter titles, and below each chapter title, writers fill in major points that come up - research, anecdotes, revelations, what have you.

Then, Dickson and Warren had students turn their information packets to the back pages and start the outlining process then and there. All that talk about writing created a desire among the class to get started, now, rather than hope the motivation survives the car ride home.

Some attendees said later that they wrote more during the seminar than they had in months. After outlining either the book itself or a specific chapter, Dickson and Warren had class members stand up and talk about their ideas. This helps them practice another skill that might come in handy for the future authors: Public speaking, which almost every successful author engages in to promote their works and keep the bills paid between books.

The second half of the seminar, led mostly by Warren, focused on the due diligence authors need to perform to evaluate publishing opportunities.

Not all publishing houses or vanity (self-paid) presses are created equally. Some publishing houses are glad to take an author’s money but do little more than act as a printing press - with little to no editing involved, without a single conversation about editorial direction or target audience. The author will have paid thousands for copies of an error-filled book he’s now embarrassed to show his friends.

Both Manifold Grace Publishing House and Kingdom Scribes Publishing operate quite a bit differently, Warren explained.

“There are plenty of people who will take your money and print off your book for you, and that’s it” Warren said, “but that’s not what Kingdom Scribes does.”

Manifold Grace, neither.

“We’re going to sit down with you and understand what you’re trying to say, who you’re trying to reach, what you’re trying to accomplish,” Dickson explained. “I’m not going to turn it into my book, and we’re not going to publish it as-is -- we’re going to make the book as good as it could be and ready for the world stage.”

If you missed the March seminar, don’t worry. Dickson and Warren are planning additional seminars this spring and summer alongside Detroit World Outreach.

Darlene Dickson

Jenine Warren
Kingdom Scribes Publishing

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Writer's Workshop ~

"So You Want To Write A Book Huh?"

Opening Doors

Did I say I was living in the “manifold graces” of God in my last blog? Why, yes I did! You know, it’s a good thing that our God is omnipotent and all powerful and wonderful and stuff. I could honestly say we make Him work so hard to bless us except that I know He doesn’t work hard . . . nothing is hard for our God.

So two or three years ago before cancer had ever reared its ugly, demonic head in our family I felt as if God was inspiring me to start a publishing company. I began to research it at that time and just felt as if it was too hard to do. I had a day job that kept me quite busy and there were so many pieces to publishing that I put the idea on the shelf. Funny how we think we get to put God on a shelf until we think it’s time for His plan to work. Well, the idea came back to me during my journey through cancer and this time I had a bout with ‘chemo brain’ and I had to listen. This time around I knew it was Him talking and even my Bishop made a comment to me about doing some editing work for various people and that I should get paid for that work. Wow, that was pivotal!

For the first time I realized, rather recognized that my ability to edit is a gift from God! I mean, I’ve been correcting people’s papers and writing letters for people forever, but I just thought of it as something I had the ability to do. I was good at it. Now writing, oh yeah, I can do that…I’m a writer; I enjoy writing – that’s my gift. Who died and convinced me that I only have one gift? C’mon, tell the truth do you think you have ONLY one gift? And can you relate to being good at something, so good that people seek you out for it, but it’s not sexy enough for you so you kinda say “Oh, that’s just something that I do”.

Now, light bulbs are going off in my head and I get it. He already told me to start a publishing company and I have the skills and abilities to do it! Every story needs tension right, so that part of me that refused to budge was busy thinking up all kinds of reasons why this was just my ‘imagination’. Finally I asked God, “Lord, if this is your direction for my life, I need to visualize it, I need to have a name for it. How can I begin if I don’t even have a name for it?” And in true God fashion, the very next time I was in church Pastor Charisse was teaching mid-week service and was talking about a bookstore they had previously – Manifold Wisdom. And as she said the word ‘manifold’ a picture of the grace of God in my life flashed before me. And I knew it ~ Manifold Grace Publishing Company.

I began to vibe this name, it came alive to me and I began to envision what it would look like and how I wanted it to feel. The name changed to ‘house’ instead of ‘company’ because I’m much warmer than a company. As I began constructing these things around my company I recognized my purpose was to “help people share their testimonies with the world”.

Manifold Grace Publishing House is open for business but before I tell you more about that I want to encourage you to meditate your own life and seriously hear the things God is telling you to do. At my church, DWO, we pray for ‘destiny intersections’. It would take way too long for me to unravel the providence of God who made plans for me before the beginning of time and has established relationships in my life to help me fulfill my destiny – today. Trust me, the things I don’t know, He sends people my way to help me. That is a destiny intersection. That is the providence of God. That is the manifold grace of God.

So, listen, one of the first things I’m doing as Manifold Grace Publishing House is conducting a workshop, in conjunction with Kingdom Scribes Publishing called “So You Want To Write A Book Huh?” It’s going to be held on Saturday March 5, 2011 at the Redford Library – check out the flyer! And feel free to share it with anyone interested in the book writing process – if you’re coming – email me

Stay tuned! This is SO exciting. It’s getting GOOD!

Closing Doors

OMG!!! Can you believe it? I actually retired from AT&T on December 30, 2010! It happened so supernaturally that I knew it was time for that door to close in my life. After my successful journey through breast cancer I was confronted with several things, changes actually, that happened in corporate AT&T that quite discouraged me. OK, they made me angry! Afterall, I had invested 35 years with the company and I surely deserved better treatment than that. I won’t go into all the gory details here because I have much more exciting things to talk about, but suffice it to say one of the catalyst was losing 20 days of vacation time simply because my disability, my disease was not resolved during the same calendar year that it started in.

I had a bad attitude … no other way to say it; I was angry. On the day I reported back to work I met with Crystal (my money girl) and asked her “Can I get out of here?” She came and looked at the numbers and we discussed my plan forward. It was a good meeting but having a bad attitude was really bothering me. I had to pray about it. “Father God, right now I have a really bad attitude and I know it is not your will that I be angry or upset – worry. I ask you Father to help me get over this feeling. I did not spend 35 years with this company performing successfully to go out on a sour note, I’ve worked too hard. God help me get my joy back.” And I knew that when I did indeed “get my joy back” it would be time for me to leave.

BTW, a critical piece – I have a wonderful boss! She ‘cared’ for me from San Diego as best she could and because of it I decided that I was going to do everything she asked of me in exemplary fashion. And I did and the projects she gave me were things I liked so I dove into them with excitement. It got to the point where she would think of things she’d like for our team to do and I would figure out how to get it going and we’d work together on it and she’d say “I love it!” I got quite used to hearing that and forgot my prayer about getting my joy back. Well, it was back! It was now October/November and I was already thinking about how we were going to accomplish her plans for next year since I always vacation out the end of the year.

It was also time for my first mammogram since the end of my treatments. It showed there was no more cancer in the left breast but there was a blip – calcifications – in the right one and I had to have a stereotactic biopsy. And as I was whining to God about it (read my last blog) I was reminded that during the cancer journey He told me to start a publishing company. I was reminded that I was supposed to leave when I got my joy back –code word for ‘got my attitude together’. So in the face of these reminders I accepted the fact that it was time for me to retire.

I had no sooner decided to leave in March than we got word that our team was going to have to reduce; we NEVER had to reduce before! And fortunately or should I say supernaturally I was allowed to opt for a severance letter. Ordinarily, severance is at the discretion of the leadership team – you don’t get to choose to go! But my boss knew I was ready to go because I had asked her if I could get a severance letter earlier but there were none at that time. Anyway she worked it out so that I would indeed get this letter! That means I got a severance – bonus – of a year’s salary AND I got to retire with full retirement status/benefits!

I thank God that I’ve grown, as a person, to the point where I can go to God and say “Father, help me get my attitude together!” I asked, He did it and I retired from AT&T in good standing, leaving a great boss and a great team with a good attitude and a fat check to subsidize the pension which was a shadow of its former greatness, LOL. In any case, I closed the door on a 36 year career with joy and excitement at living in the manifold graces of a God who is SO providential that all I had to do was trust Him and live as He says and ‘forget not its benefits’!

Bless the Lord, O my soul...