I’ve always been amazed by – His Air!
Summer breezes blowing memories of ice cream cones
and bicycles, of fish frying and warm muggy joy.
The summer storm caressing thickly, foretelling
the rain to come. Air so thick you have to catch your
breath. His breath, His air!
Winter is crisp! Harsh, hard – like Thanksgiving Day. Like standing
outside at the parade to wait for Santa. Like freezing your face, but
being so excited you barely felt it. Like coming home to the smell
of Thanksgiving dinner and fogged up windows – Mom’s been
cooking. Like waking on New Year’s Day to peek outside and see the
untouched snow and the cold winter sky and hear the stillness and
feel the serenity.
His air is warm in the spring! Full of excitement, expectations! Life
reawakening! Smell the newness of His Air – the brightness of
His sun! Is that why people fall in love? Something about
His air! His beauty comes alike – inhale! exhale! – invigorate!
As summer wanes, fall air glides in. Bringing golden retreat of green leaves
and wilted flowers. The magnificent colors, the rustic air. Ending
yet beginning. The smell of new school clothes mixed with the
departure of skinned knees and dusk that began at 9:30 when the
street lights came on. The anticipation of brisk breezes blowing
a new kind of freshness and memories of burning leaves.
His air still amazes me! We breathe it. It is life – it is love – His love.
It is full of memories, the story of our lives, it is history.
This same air, since the world began and He breathed it into man, since
Christ was born giving us all new like! This same air breathed in
Africa and England, frigid at the North Pole, scorching at the
equator. His air blankets the universe – we don’t’ understand it, we
try to predict it, but for sure we breathe it. We breathe His air!
Even from everlasting to everlasting, we breathe His Love!
(c)Darlene Carol Dickson, 1997
Welcome to my website! I love sharing my testimony because God has been so amazing in my life. I hope always that you are uplifted and know that ALL of God's blessings are available to you if you trust Him, live by His word and remember it's all about love!