Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Words to Write by Wednesday: It’s Grammar Time!

Admttedly I am old school (which BTW is probably spelled skool), I like guys to open doors for me, I like songs where lyrics are sung to music and I like the use of standard english rules to govern writing,

“Gotta love technology these days!” Well, I do, however, technology should not supersede good writing skiills. Some things are just sacred - or they should be. But even the dictionary adds new words every year based on popular culture and online newspapers are fraught with typos.

Txtng (texting), FB (facebook), tweeting (twitter) all have their own writing style; whether it is 140 characters. or quickie memos. Social media, while it has supposedly increased the way we communicate, has eroded the way we write. This is not a campaign to make sure schools will not change the way they teach kids to read - although it’s not a bad idea - it is a plea to encourage the use of the same grammar rules we were taught to use in school.

For example:

1.  Avoid beginning sentences with conjunctions like ‘and’, ‘because’, ‘while’ or ‘but’. This because we often leave out the subject or the verb, making it a phrase/incomplete sentence.

2.  Don’t use gimmicks (quotation marks, bold, capitalization) to make your point, use good, strong sentences. You’re writing a book or an article, not a flier.

3.  ‘Seen’ is not the past tense of ‘see’. Saw is. “I seen the accident” is incorrect. “I saw the accident” is correct. 

4.  Have a bless day is incorrect. Have a blessed day is correct.

5.  Simple errors  – your and you’re; these are not the same words. Your(s) is possessive meaning something belongs to you i.e. “your sweater or the ideas are yours”. While you’re is a contraction combining the words ‘you’ and ‘are’ i.e. “you’re the cream in my coffee or “you’re not all that  

More reminders are coming so stay tuned!

#writingtips, #manifoldgrace, #wordstowritebywednesday, #amwriter

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Words to Write by Wednesday: Control Your Readers Experience!

Contrary to popular communication, your job is not simply to ‘get ‘er done!’ Nothing could be further from the truth. YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR READER’S EXPERIENCE!

Sorry, didn’t mean to shout, but I had to. Some of the things I’ve read were written for - I don’t know who - even 5th graders would expect more. It has been said that American literacy scores hover around 8th grade levels for most adults, but this is not what you should focus on. Don’t get me wrong, focusing on your audience is indeed critical to your storytelling, but what is even more important is having a story worth reading.

Your job is to engage your readers and thrill them, inform them, teach them, scare them, inspire them, persuade them. Your job is to make them feel ‘some kind of way.’ When your reader picks up your book, they consider you the expert on the subject. At the very least, they consider you credible.

So, nows your chance. You’ve won ½ the battle - you’re in the door, on their tablet or in their bag. We told you previously to picture what your reader looks like - here’s where it comes in handy! Now that you’ve identified your reader - write for them. Take them on the ride of their lives. Inspire them to do something they never thought they could. Teach them something so valuable it propels them to the next level. Scare them so bad they ask “Stephen who?” Convince them that when they’re done reading your book they can climb every mountain or start that business or fall in love or solve the murder.

You are in control of your reader’s experience - respect that!

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Friday, May 1, 2015

Author’s Expo at Detroit World Outreach Church! May 3, 2015

This Sunday May 3, 2015 Detroit World Outreach Church is sponsoring an Author’s Expo and Booksigning! Members of the church who have published books will sell and sign them after church services.

Come out, attend one of our services then get your read on and support these authors. Details below.

Detroit World Outreach Church 23800 W. Chicago Rd, Redford Michigan

Service time:  8:00 a.m. - Booksigning 9:45 a.m.

                       10:45 a.m. - Booksigning i:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

See you there!

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