Thursday, October 30, 2008

Standing in Line

My son sent me a quote that I found extremely prophetic and eloquent. Think of this: “Rosa sat so Martin could walk. Martin walked so Obama could run. Obama is running so our children can fly.” Talk about a piece of history! Talk about trees bearing fruit; about the audacity of hope.

It wasn’t so long ago that our family watched Eyes on the Prize on the public television station. Our children watched first hand accounts of how blacks were treated and mis-treated. They watched the leaders of the Civil Rights movement strategize and execute plans that demanded equality for blacks in this country. They saw how we evolved from slaves to niggers to Negroes to Black and Proud to African Americans. And while they grew up in ethnically diverse communities, their grandmothers cosigned the stories we watched. How can you forget the images of the hoses and dogs unleashed on Americans who only wanted to live the American dream? How can you forget sitting on the back of the bus or the dead Negro hanging from a tree? What about the four little girls?

We’ve come a long way baby! This past February I searched all 800 cable channels (ok, not that many but it seemed so) and there were no programs celebrating Black History Month. I wondered how the young people today would even know about our struggles because for sure they watch TV. Today I read an article about 109 year old Amanda Jones who mailed in her vote for Barack Obama. Mrs. Jones never in her life thought she’d have a chance to see an African American man elected President of the United States. My how we’ve changed and yes, change has been a long time coming.

But let’s see how far we’ve really come because I remember a big part of the Civil Rights movement was to make sure we were registered and allowed to vote. Do you realize that it’s only been since 1965 that we’ve had that right? That people have actually died so that we can experience that American duty? The quote is so beautiful because when Rosa Parks sat, she actually took a stand. She stood against segregation and racism. When Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. walked with hundreds of thousands to Selma and Washington DC etc., he actually took a stand. He stood so that one day his dream that we are recognized by the content of our character, not the color of our skin, would be realized. Barack Obama took a stand when he decided to run. He stood so that our country, while built on the backs of our ancestors, would come together as the founding fathers envisioned. He is standing so that each American has unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He is standing so there are no barriers that education, hard work, passion, a love of God and of country – no barriers can stand in the way of reaching our destiny!

Now we have to stand. We have to stand in line and cast our vote. It is our right, our obligation – no, our duty to stand until the last man in line has pushed the button. History is ours for the taking and the making but only if we’re willing to stand. Stand so your children can fly!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

History Lesson

I read an article in the Detroit News “Chance to Make History Too Strong to Ignore” and was struck by the comments others had regarding this article. It’s interesting no one has declared that we each (Americans) have one vote and we also have the right and freedom to choose how to cast it!

Come on conservatives, you can’t be excited about John McCain unless you’re in the top 5% income bracket. And be honest, do you really think Sarah Palin can perform as President should something happen to McCain? Hmm, the fact that she tried to get her ex-brother in-law fired shows she can misuse her authority with the best of them. But the mere fact that the McCain/Palin ticket rouses the hate-mongers to action is nothing but racist!

I think it says a lot that the state of our nation is such that conservatives don’t want to vote for republicans. Obama wouldn’t be leading the polls in so many ‘red’ states if it weren’t true. I wonder, if he was a conservative republican would conservatives vote for him? One thing for sure, people around the world and here at home are beginning to hate the arrogance of our fellow Americans. Obama’s message is one of unity, not the nasty verbiage you hear from the crowds present each time McCain/Palin speak in public. Nonetheless, America will get a chance to denounce its racist history next Tuesday when we each cast our vote. Know this, there are still a lot of Americans who wear swastikas on their arms and in their hearts, they get one vote too.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama: A Modern Day David?

When Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama visited Germany back in July, my friend Claudette and I had an interesting conversation about him. The pictures of him standing before hundreds of thousands in Germany were everywhere and the McCain camp really tried to brand him a rock star. Claudette made a statement that framed this piece, but before I share that statement, you have to understand Claudette a little bit. She is a spiritually gifted woman who is a social butterfly who loves to laugh and always has a cartoon or two running through her head. So it did not surprise me when she said “You know what, it’s like Barack is David and McCain is Saul – out to get David!”

After we cracked up laughing we began to think about that a little more. When Samuel the prophet had wanted to anoint Saul as King he couldn’t because Saul had been disobedient to God’s explicit direction regarding destruction of the Amalekites. Saul was supposed to destroy them and all their possessions but “greed was good” for Saul and it cost him. McCain had his own spoils of war too. When he came home after the Vietnam war to a now disfigured wife (because of an accident) he stepped out of his wedding vows for the beautiful and wealthy Cindy. But back to Saul, Samuel the prophet stepped up to Saul and called him out. He told him that the Lord God had rent Israel from his hand because of his disobedience and that he was King no more. The Lord even told Samuel that the next King would be a neighbor of Saul’s, and He sent Samuel to a Bethlehemite. Samuel listened to God’s instruction and set out to find the next King in Jesse’s camp.

Once there Jesse paraded every son he had before Samuel, anxious that one of his would become King. And because Samuel insisted that he would know the future King when he saw him and that he had not thus far seen him, Jesse finally told them to bring David in from the fields. Samuel did indeed know him because when they brought David in from his sheepherding duties “he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.” (I Samuel 16:12) David was the youngest, he was beautiful and Samuel anointed him right there on the spot. And the Spirit of the Lord came upon David.

The road to Kingship lead through Saul’s castle. “When the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.” (I Samuel 16:23) So, David used his music to soothe the savage beast that Saul had become. I wonder if Obama provided any calm to his relationship with McCain as they worked together on the senate floor. Barack has certainly provided hope and comfort, confidence to millions of Americans these days. And one of the more prominent adjectives of McCain is that he is hot tempered.

When David rose to battle with Goliath he unashamedly proclaimed that no army was great enough to defeat the army of the Lord. Then he used the weapons he had at his disposal and won that battle. I know you remember the story of David and Goliath and how David slew the giant with a slingshot and a smooth stone. Saul offered David his armor and sword but David showed great wisdom in choosing not to use a weapon he was not proficient with. Obama has been chided by some who supported him to fight back against McCain – to cut him deeply, play dirty in other words. But Barack held fast to his vision, choosing to speak of unity instead. “There is but one America - the United States of America.”

Needless to say, David went on to be a favorite with the people because he walked among them. The soldiers admired his bravery, the people labeled him a hero. . . Saul labeled him an enemy. He hated that the people loved David and now when the evil spirits came upon Saul and David came to play the harp for him, Saul showed his hatred, throwing the javelin at him. Oh it got much worse than that, especially after Colin Powell endorsed Obama. I mean after Saul’s son Jonathan loved and protected David. David’s army was a grass roots army – 600 hundred men who were willing to fight alongside this mighty man. Obama’s grass roots campaign is considered a well oiled machine full of loyal people who support the vision of their leader!

Despite Saul’s numerous attempts on David’s life, when he had the chance David spared Saul – out of respect for God’s anointed. David went on to become the most powerful King in Israel’s history. He was a flawed man. . . but what man isn’t? The thing is David’s desire was to first serve the Lord, then serve the people. Much has been said about Barack Obama’s church affiliation and nothing has been said of John McCain’s. Does he even attend church? He did seek the endorsements of Rod Parsley and John Hagee in an attempt to garner evangelical voters. It backfired on him though because you just can’t censor the man of God, Barack had already learned that! Obama’s prayer was posted on the prayer wall in Israel, it simply says “Lord, Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will.” That sounds like a man after God’s own heart! It sounds like one of the Psalms doesn’t it?

Just a little something to think about. Take a moment and read your Bible today.
I Samuel 15 – 18 provided the background for the parallels drawn here. Maybe cruise the Psalms in search of the prayer of a man seeking direction from God. For sure take the cue from the man who wants to be king, I mean president, and say a prayer today that asks God for forgiveness, protection, wisdom and to be used mightily by Him. That’s a prayer God would love!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Say It Ain't So Rock Star Sarah!

Just when thought it was safe to appreciate the benefits of a woman on the ticket – she opens her mouth again and – as she is prone to do, inserts foot. We’ve already discussed her tenacity during the debate and happily noted that she “did no harm”. Still I wondered why I haven’t seen her on The Today Show for example. Why isn’t she talking to Diane Sawyer? Why are they still keeping her locked away?

Then I turned on CNN one night and heard the sound bites attributed to her and I understood. Now here are three ways where McCain’s strategy is beginning to backfire on him.

1. The day after the debate she was caught on camera talking about how much she would have loved to come and talk to the hard working people in Michigan. She thought John made a mistake pulling out so soon and intimated that she was not consulted on that decision. Well, she should have simply said something like “We love the hard-working people in Michigan and we know they are hurting. A McCain/Palin ticket will fight for Michigan!” Isn’t that a much better sound-bite?

2. I thought she was the Calvary come to rescue a weary Republican McCain campaign but she’s dragging up tired, beaten like a dead horse rhetoric that we’ve all tired of. Speaking of Rev. Wright, questioning that relationship indicates that she has nothing new and exciting to say, if she ever did! Not to mention the fact that her running mate rather diligently sought the support of “evangelicals” and had a few problems with that as well. Can you say John Hagee or Rod Parsley?

3. When that gentleman in Florida, during his pre-Palin speech referred to Obama as “Hussein” he opened the floodgates and allowed bigotry to rise to the top. Well, there was Sarah calling Obama a traitor and terrorist. And because she is trying to go there McCain is now having to condemn such conversation at each stop he makes. “No, he’s a good American, he just doesn’t have it right like I do.” He’s sinking faster than a lead balloon partly because he has to spend time speaking out against such attitudes.
So, “sound-bite Sarah” has quickly turned into “Say It Ain’t So Rock Star Sarah!” Her public disapproval of several McCain stances, along with her gun-toting, let’s go get ‘em boys attitude and tired/tried rhetoric is causing John to spend far too much time rebutting her remarks. I’m sure he still has trouble sleeping because it seems he, his running mate and his strategists are not in sync. Regarding the McCain/Palin ticket, I’m more confused at who is the asset in that relationship. Rock star Sarah is one step away from pushing the doddering old man over the edge. You saw how green M&M had the boys speechless didn’t you?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Sound-Bite Sarah Steps Up

Feminists! Hillary Supporters! Women! Rejoice, Sarah Palin turns out to be a talking head but certainly proved, in last nights debate, that she can hold her own in political conversation. I was very proud of her, proud that she actually spoke coherently and even seemed to have several opinions of her own. Whew! Because of her past performances I was worried that women would begin to be characterized by a bunch of “Sarah-isms”.

Sarah had spark, spunk and an ability to look into the camera and speak to the American people, even to “Joe six-pack”. Not quite sure who he is though. She didn’t seem to speak to Joe family man trying to get his kids through school while losing his job because of past economic policies (greed) and even if he had a car and a job could barely afford to buy gas for it. Nevertheless, she communicated. I’m not convinced that she could be president because I didn’t really hear her say anything that I haven’t heard on a McCain television commercial. She was charming and funny and I loved her shout out to the third graders who’ll get extra points for being up at ten o’clock on a school night! But I was more concerned with hearing how my concerns rate in a “McCain-Palin” administration. Did she meet your needs last night?

Sound-Bite Sarah brought enthusiasm, a sense of loyalty and she accurately pronounced Iran’s presidents name. Kudos! But she didn't get the General's name in Afghanistan right, she didn't seem to know how many troops there are in Iraq currently. She told us that she and her husband Todd are middle class people just like us. Engaging! She did not however expound on how McCain’s philosophies are really going to help the American people. We know they are self proclaimed “Mavericks” but do we need a maverick in the White House governing this nation. Mavericks are generally unaffiliated with people. National leadership requires communication, coordination and cooperation. Our form of government does not call for unilateral authority.

I would have liked to have heard more about tax cuts. She could only play the sound bite. But Obama’s sound-bite, repeated by Biden clearly states that tax increases will occur only on those who are rich. Biden even presented facts that 95% of small business owners in this country make less than $250,000. This is just one example of the lack of substance in her presentation. Her inability to articulate how the current state of Wall Street would change programs and policies was evident. Perhaps it’s because McCain has said repeatedly his administration is not going to spend a dime and who is foolish enough to believe that? We just want to know what he’s going to spend it on!

All in all, she managed to keep me awake with witty banter and sparkling repartee which is an improvement over her past performances. I heard nothing that would convince me that she could be president. Did you? Perhaps going forward she can study how to provide more substance in her presentation. She rocked those pumps but have you seen green M&Ms boots? wink, wink

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Dumbing Down of Sarah Palin

Feminists! Hillary Supporters! Women! Beware, John McCain obviously thinks we’re all stupid. In a move that was clearly competitive, designed to take the wind out of Barack Obama’s sails, he chose her to be his vice presidential running mate. I could look at Governor Palin’s comments to mainstream news media over the last couple of weeks and declare, without reservation, that there is no way she could perform in the role of President of the United States – well, in the event John McCain won and heaven forbid, didn’t live long enough to tell about it. When we cast our votes we do indeed vote for vice president as well as president and recent history has shown us that vice presidents have been called upon to stand in the big shoes.

My problem is not that Sarah Palin is wet behind the ears. Her speech in Ohio after McCain introduced her as his running mate was inspired. I was proud of her but I was not convinced of John McCain’s motives. It was clearly a strategic move and one I hope will not turn into an even greater mistreatment of Sarah. John McCain was boring the country, but more importantly, boring his own Republican party to tears. He was being outshined by the “rock star” and I’ll bet it kept him up nights. He devised a counter move. A move that would counter the momentum of the Obama/Biden ticket, John needed serious help. And here she came like the Calvary. She came wearing big hair and pumps, with a pregnant unmarried daughter and an infant son with health issues.

I think I missed the joke though, because she came as either a pit bull or a hockey mom but she was definitely wearing lipstick. She came on Hillary Clinton’s coat tails and Condoleezza Rice and Madeleine Albright and Geraldine Ferraro and Shirley Chisholm and they all wear lipstick. But what they wouldn’t do is allow a foreign head of state to gush over them in such obvious disrespect “You’re gorgeous! You'e really very gorgeous” I’m sure it is critical that her looks or persona be pleasing to them but come on –it sounded like a bad episode of Blind Date or something. Am I saying a man cannot pay a woman a compliment if she holds high office? Of course not. Let’s face it though a simple “You look beautiful today!” sounds like a sincere compliment, not like a pick up line. Hmmm, you think I’m being nit-picky huh? Well, for my vote, I could care less about Sarah Palin’s sex appeal because when that call comes at 3 o’clock in the morning I can hear her on the phone trying to talk policy and him on the other end “I’ll bet you’re even gorgeous in your pajamas!”

Yes, it’s my imagination at work because McCain and his people have kept her locked away someplace where there are no cameras. You would have thought they were preparing her for her presence on the world stage, but if you’ve listened to her talking to Charles Gibson or Katie Couric or any other news personality – you know that is not the case. They locked her away and when they let her out she sounds like a blithering idiot. “What do you mean Bush doctrine?” Then there was something about Putin’s head. Sarah Palin could not have been so inept on her own. (Can you imagine a conversation between her and George Bush? OMG an interpreter would be necessary) Clearly McCain’s camp, while constantly touting her sharing of his “world views” failed miserably to shine her up for the spotlight. Instead they seemed to have dumbed her down, reduced her to a trophy. I saw part of an interview with her and John and Katie where Katie asked her a question and John jumped in – wouldn’t even let her speak before he laid the roadmap for her next words. And when he allowed her to speak she began by saying “well, yes you’re absolutely right…”

Have no fear my fellow Americans! I decided who I was voting for before Sarah came on the scene, however I do wish she would do well during the debate because if she doesn’t, I fear for her sanity. I can see it playing out now…John stands before the American people talking about how horrible Democrats and news media pushed poor Sarah over the edge and regrettably she has backed out of the race. He’ll once again try to push the stupid button on our heads by trying to convince us that “they” are responsible for her heartbreak and demise. He’ll expect great sympathy from the American people as he announces some straight up white bread man in a gray pinstriped suit as his real running mate. John McCain really believes that we see Sarah as a bonafide candidate. We might have had she not been sent out to the big country unprepared. We might have had she not been treated like window dressing. Of course, if you believe as Madison Ave. does that “sex sells” we may all be surprised. After all, even M&Ms are sexy these days. Have you seen Green M&M? She wears lipstick too...