Friday, October 10, 2008

Say It Ain't So Rock Star Sarah!

Just when thought it was safe to appreciate the benefits of a woman on the ticket – she opens her mouth again and – as she is prone to do, inserts foot. We’ve already discussed her tenacity during the debate and happily noted that she “did no harm”. Still I wondered why I haven’t seen her on The Today Show for example. Why isn’t she talking to Diane Sawyer? Why are they still keeping her locked away?

Then I turned on CNN one night and heard the sound bites attributed to her and I understood. Now here are three ways where McCain’s strategy is beginning to backfire on him.

1. The day after the debate she was caught on camera talking about how much she would have loved to come and talk to the hard working people in Michigan. She thought John made a mistake pulling out so soon and intimated that she was not consulted on that decision. Well, she should have simply said something like “We love the hard-working people in Michigan and we know they are hurting. A McCain/Palin ticket will fight for Michigan!” Isn’t that a much better sound-bite?

2. I thought she was the Calvary come to rescue a weary Republican McCain campaign but she’s dragging up tired, beaten like a dead horse rhetoric that we’ve all tired of. Speaking of Rev. Wright, questioning that relationship indicates that she has nothing new and exciting to say, if she ever did! Not to mention the fact that her running mate rather diligently sought the support of “evangelicals” and had a few problems with that as well. Can you say John Hagee or Rod Parsley?

3. When that gentleman in Florida, during his pre-Palin speech referred to Obama as “Hussein” he opened the floodgates and allowed bigotry to rise to the top. Well, there was Sarah calling Obama a traitor and terrorist. And because she is trying to go there McCain is now having to condemn such conversation at each stop he makes. “No, he’s a good American, he just doesn’t have it right like I do.” He’s sinking faster than a lead balloon partly because he has to spend time speaking out against such attitudes.
So, “sound-bite Sarah” has quickly turned into “Say It Ain’t So Rock Star Sarah!” Her public disapproval of several McCain stances, along with her gun-toting, let’s go get ‘em boys attitude and tired/tried rhetoric is causing John to spend far too much time rebutting her remarks. I’m sure he still has trouble sleeping because it seems he, his running mate and his strategists are not in sync. Regarding the McCain/Palin ticket, I’m more confused at who is the asset in that relationship. Rock star Sarah is one step away from pushing the doddering old man over the edge. You saw how green M&M had the boys speechless didn’t you?

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