Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Words to Write by Wednesday: You have at Least One Hour!

Those words ring out to me constantly. Perhaps because my own son, my own flesh and blood said them to me in a conversation while he was living in D.C. and waited on the bus. It began with “Hey Mom, I’m at the bus stop and I’ve got about 5 minutes, how are you doing?”

I smiled because who does that? Who budgets their time to the point where he schedules 5 minutes for a call to his mom. Of course I was just happy to be on the schedule! “So, how’s the book coming?” he asks. I was in the process of writing my first book, 5 Revelations, Improve Your Relationship with God and when I answered by explaining how busy I was with work and church - he explained as only a smart alecky, UofM overachiever, favorite son could:

“Mom, you have at least one hour a day to write - just turn off Law and Order!”

Well! Apparently that college education is going to pay off because he was right. It wasn’t about the hour parked in front of the television. It was about planning, about making time to accomplish something important. The kid budgeted his time down to ‘talk to Mom in the 5 minutes waiting at the bus stop’!

I posit to you that planning 1 hour on Wednesday, or 2 hours on Friday night, or 1 Saturday a month will help you reach your goal. I know I’m busy, you are probably busy too. The point here is that when you decide to accomplish something, take the time to determine when you will actually work on it. Once you do - treat it like you would a job and be there at the time and the place and GET IT DONE! You have at least one hour a night! lol

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