So, 2 Chronicles 7:14 is what the body of Christ should be focusing on; not the scare tactics white evangelicals Paula White, Jim Baker, Jerry Falwell, Kenneth Copeland, Franklin Graham and others are focusing on. There is no biblical principle that says casting your vote a certain way is a mandate from God, yet we’ve heard them say it “you’re going against God”, “you will go to hell…” Yes, I wish they were as concerned about Charlottesville or Ferguson – but, no they were silent. They say God selected Trump and you know what – it is only God who can fix that man! A Christian who espouses some of his rhetoric, who behaves with a total lack of leadership should be censored at the very least, and I mean behind closed doors. I mean by delivering him into the hands of God.
In my prayer time I felt God saying “They’re praying for the wrong thing. I am not challenged by who the president is, I am the Lord your God – is there anything too hard for me?” And how does it look to those who don’t believe, that the same God who loves us so much He sentenced His Son to death for our life -is worried about a man-made process of governance and would issue an edict about voting? That’s just stupid. I’d rather hear them all talking about getting together and praying for cancer to die. That’s how we should use our prayers – to show the healing power of God!
They’re all whining about Trump being attacked by media – it don’t take prayer to fix it, it’s simple:
10 Things We Can do to Help Trump Become an Effective President
1. Tell him to stop tweeting government business, he provides fodder for this and I don’t like to think a president is as ignorant as he displays. But yes, the media loves it, can’t blame social media when he uses it as he does.
2. Tell him he cannot be king of America – we don’t have that system of government
3. Tell him to spend time in Washington getting to know Congress and learn how it works; learn how to work together with those he needs, the ACA is a good example of how it works – republicans did not want to support anything President Obama worked for and shot a bunch of Americans in the – foot – by passing ACA without the benefit of republicans who could have made it better. They chose not to participate or in other words cut off their noses to spite their faces…
4. Tell him to stop slamming and firing the people “good people – very good people” HE HIMSELF selected to serve. Tell him they’re not really serving him personally, they’re serving the people of the United States of America; as he should be doing!
5. Tell him to listen to his advisors (governmental and spiritual) and consider their expertise, especially where he has none. Tell him to learn about our form of government (from civics or social studies classes) and act accordingly.
6. Tell him to stop behaving/whining like a 7th grader! He is the president of the USA, why is he campaigning instead of figuring out how to make somebody pay for that wall and a host of other campaign rhetoric he spit out.
7. Tell him that if he exemplifies God to at least sow seeds of unity if not morality and respect for human lives. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
8. Tell him that bullying is wrong, so 7th grade and obnoxious
9. Tell him that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall
10.Tell him about the bible so he will understand that the kings were killed/dethroned by God for being disobedient and warn him…
In conclusion, I pray that Christians will remember. God Himself gave all of us free will – why would He revoke it because of an election??? That doesn’t even make sense! I pray Christians will stop playing the blame game – it leads to destruction. The bible has never called for us to tear the body apart. The church was ready to tear Joel Osteen apart over something it had no business dealing with. In fact, the people with the loudest voices were probably not even believers – why should the church jump on the bandwagon the world pulls around? I pray Christians will tell the truth of the love of God that He might be glorified and not reduced to a shrinking, shriveling God who is afraid of the Supreme Court! God is bigger than all that and if we continue to be dis-unified because of politics well, there is His wrath. How can we be the light of the world if we are mired in heresies? That doesn’t glorify God!
One of my ‘pet peeves’ is that cancer is allowed to roam the earth as a free agent…seeking whom he will devour. I believe if the Body of Christ – the church – will believe the power of unity, and power over all the power of the enemy which was given to us by Jesus Christ and scream “Cancer you must die!” – it will! Think about Joshua marching around Jericho felling those walls. I have a Bishop sister-friend who said “Why can’t we take a bunch of pastors up to Flint to lay hands on the kids so they will be healed?” She got no response…the body of Christ is too concerned about things that God doesn’t care about.
So, while Trump is indeed an example of the wrong focus of the church (by focusing on supporting someone who doesn’t appear to be saved), the focus of the church bears review. Do your words minister grace? We should hold Trump accountable as a man – not as a God. We should indeed pray for him; that he grow up and respect the highest office in the land and do good and denounce evil. Because, for sure that would be pleasing to God. God is not threatened by man…OH, finally the body should believe that we are the people who are called by His name and we must humble ourselves,” and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
”Father God I thank you for this nation, the United States of America. I thank you that you are a God of mercy and your grace abounds toward us whom you love. I pray today dear Lord that your body will come into unity, regardless of religious doctrine, and stand up for this world – that this world might know you. And in this land I pray we live up to the spirit of our creation as such: “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…” Help us remember that you care more about unity in the body of Christ and that the body should be focused on glorifying You and sharing You with the world. We repent for speaking ill of each other and for not speaking up against injustices. We repent for not caring for our brother, we repent for misrepresenting You and we will be submitted and committed to serving YOU and YOUR purposes all the days of our lives. We thank You for healing our land – in Jesus’ name.
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