Tuesday, October 28, 2008

History Lesson

I read an article in the Detroit News “Chance to Make History Too Strong to Ignore” and was struck by the comments others had regarding this article. It’s interesting no one has declared that we each (Americans) have one vote and we also have the right and freedom to choose how to cast it!

Come on conservatives, you can’t be excited about John McCain unless you’re in the top 5% income bracket. And be honest, do you really think Sarah Palin can perform as President should something happen to McCain? Hmm, the fact that she tried to get her ex-brother in-law fired shows she can misuse her authority with the best of them. But the mere fact that the McCain/Palin ticket rouses the hate-mongers to action is nothing but racist!

I think it says a lot that the state of our nation is such that conservatives don’t want to vote for republicans. Obama wouldn’t be leading the polls in so many ‘red’ states if it weren’t true. I wonder, if he was a conservative republican would conservatives vote for him? One thing for sure, people around the world and here at home are beginning to hate the arrogance of our fellow Americans. Obama’s message is one of unity, not the nasty verbiage you hear from the crowds present each time McCain/Palin speak in public. Nonetheless, America will get a chance to denounce its racist history next Tuesday when we each cast our vote. Know this, there are still a lot of Americans who wear swastikas on their arms and in their hearts, they get one vote too.

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