Monday, March 20, 2017

Words to Write by Wednesday on Thursday: Don’t Let Social Media Ruin Your Presentation!

Kinda ironic to use social media as a cautionary tale, but it needs to be said! Before you hang up on me, let me be clear, social media has a language all its own - one that should not be used when you write your book!

Now, if you are writing YAF, or an urban tale, you would have to take liberties. Truthfully though, don’t drive your editor crazy using the uselessly abbreviated social media language in a book. Texting, tweeting, booking all force us to speak in this abbreviated fashion, maybe because our thumbs and fingers can’t take it. Maybe it has made us lazy but for those avenues - it’s okay!

I love that fb is the one place where I can write without capitalization, make up strange abbreviations that everyone seems to understand and lol or even better LOLOL!

When writing a book or formal document, however, we do not lol, ttyl or use memes, selfies, or smiley faces. We spell words out. We use standard capitalization. We spell words correctly and we actually use punctuation! A well placed comma can make all the difference in the world.

So while I understand how important it is to be socially relevant, I also understand how important it is to be understood and standard english, like taught in school, is by far the best way to make your point!

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Manifold Monday: Spiritual and Inspirational Thoughts from the Heart

Words to Write by Wednesday - on Thursday: Heed the Call!

If only the people who are gifted writers wrote books, the number of books in circulation would instantly decrease by millions. The truth is that not every person who writes a book is a writer. BUT, that doesn’t mean their story should not, or cannot be told.

Yes, it is an amazing gift to be able to write well, but it is even more amazing when you heed the call; writer or not. So you’ve got this idea, concept, story, testimony, burning inside you. It keeps coming back to you - won’t let you sleep at night. You need to heed the call.

No excuses! Get started, do your very best - create a NO PROCRASTINATION ZONE - and without fear do the thing that is in your heart to do! I know, fear that it won’t be good, fear that you can’t do it, fear someone might not like it. Did you know that fear is the number one reason for failure?

It’s not because you tried and failed! That just means you now know what to improve or fix. It’s not because you made a mistake - it’s because you failed to try.

SO, today, refuse to let the evil spirit of fear stop you and heed the call. Don’t give thought to what you can’t do - do what you can do! There’s something special about being aligned with the universe that gives every story purpose.

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Manifold Monday: The Exposition of the Tabernacle: The Culture Exchange

Words to Write by Wednesday: It’s Grammar Time!

Admttedly I am old school (which BTW is probably spelled skool), I like guys to open doors for me, I like songs where lyrics are sung to music and I like the use of standard english rules to govern writing,

“Gotta love technology these days!” Well, I do, however, technology should not supersede good writing skiills. Some things are just sacred - or they should be. But even the dictionary adds new words every year based on popular culture and online newspapers are fraught with typos.

Txtng (texting), FB (facebook), tweeting (twitter) all have their own writing style; whether it is 140 characters. or quickie memos. Social media, while it has supposedly increased the way we communicate, has eroded the way we write. This is not a campaign to make sure schools will not change the way they teach kids to read - although it’s not a bad idea - it is a plea to encourage the use of the same grammar rules we were taught to use in school.

For example:

1.  Avoid beginning sentences with conjunctions like ‘and’, ‘because’, ‘while’ or ‘but’. This because we often leave out the subject or the verb, making it a phrase/incomplete sentence.

2.  Don’t use gimmicks (quotation marks, bold, capitalization) to make your point, use good, strong sentences. You’re writing a book or an article, not a flier.

3.  ‘Seen’ is not the past tense of ‘see’. Saw is. “I seen the accident” is incorrect. “I saw the accident” is correct. 

4.  Have a bless day is incorrect. Have a blessed day is correct.

5.  Simple errors  – your and you’re; these are not the same words. Your(s) is possessive meaning something belongs to you i.e. “your sweater or the ideas are yours”. While you’re is a contraction combining the words ‘you’ and ‘are’ i.e. “you’re the cream in my coffee or “you’re not all that  

More reminders are coming so stay tuned!

#writingtips, #manifoldgrace, #wordstowritebywednesday, #amwriter

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Manifold Monday: Transitions On-Going

Manifold Monday: Empowered to be Free

Words to Write by Wednesday: Control Your Readers Experience!

Contrary to popular communication, your job is not simply to ‘get ‘er done!’ Nothing could be further from the truth. YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR READER’S EXPERIENCE!

Sorry, didn’t mean to shout, but I had to. Some of the things I’ve read were written for - I don’t know who - even 5th graders would expect more. It has been said that American literacy scores hover around 8th grade levels for most adults, but this is not what you should focus on. Don’t get me wrong, focusing on your audience is indeed critical to your storytelling, but what is even more important is having a story worth reading.

Your job is to engage your readers and thrill them, inform them, teach them, scare them, inspire them, persuade them. Your job is to make them feel ‘some kind of way.’ When your reader picks up your book, they consider you the expert on the subject. At the very least, they consider you credible.

So, nows your chance. You’ve won ½ the battle - you’re in the door, on their tablet or in their bag. We told you previously to picture what your reader looks like - here’s where it comes in handy! Now that you’ve identified your reader - write for them. Take them on the ride of their lives. Inspire them to do something they never thought they could. Teach them something so valuable it propels them to the next level. Scare them so bad they ask “Stephen who?” Convince them that when they’re done reading your book they can climb every mountain or start that business or fall in love or solve the murder.

You are in control of your reader’s experience - respect that!

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Manifold Monday: Losing to Win in Marriage

Author’s Expo at Detroit World Outreach Church! May 3, 2015

This Sunday May 3, 2015 Detroit World Outreach Church is sponsoring an Author’s Expo and Booksigning! Members of the church who have published books will sell and sign them after church services.

Come out, attend one of our services then get your read on and support these authors. Details below.

Detroit World Outreach Church 23800 W. Chicago Rd, Redford Michigan

Service time:  8:00 a.m. - Booksigning 9:45 a.m.

                       10:45 a.m. - Booksigning i:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

See you there!

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Words to Write by Wednesday: Say What You Need to Say!

I can’t take credit for this one but listen, if it don’t fit, don’t force it! Let’s see, how else can I say this - how about - no fat, no filler. 

SAY WHAT YOU NEED TO SAY! My fiction writers, we know you must write all kinds of juicy details to engage us, keep us interested, But you do NOT have to be frivolous with your words. In fact, don’t waste my time!

I remember the high school papers that had to be at least 5 pages long so I filled them with meaningless page filling material. If you expect your readers to become loyal to you and tell their friends how good you are - don’t do this.

Take the time to create strong sentences, rich with details and interesting facts that keep me on the edge of my seat. Then, as my heart beats faster in anticipation, watch me as I exclaim under my breath “oh my God, I did not see that coming! Wait, let me go back to chapter 3!”

That is the benefit of tight writing where not one word is wasted, but carefully crafted to lull me into security then spring a jaw-dropping surprise on me. That’s why you should cut out the fat and use no fillers…just say what you need to say! And even if you don’t write fiction, it still holds true. If it don’t fit, don’t force it…save it for the sequel!

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Manifold Monday: Kingdom DNA - Speak the Language of the Kingdom

It’s Saturday so Manifold Grace quotes Best Sellers!

This quote from exceptional author James Michener really says a lot. As a publisher I hear, on the regular, from people who want to write a book. Of course, I believe they should. I believe book writing to be one of the most communicative, thrilling, things one can do. AND I believe that there is a book in you!

Having said that, now I must help my writers drill down to what it is they want to say and why they need to write a book in order to say it. So, here’s the quote:

“Being goal-oriented instead of self-oriented is crucial. I know so many people who want to be writers. But let me tell you, they really don’t want to be writers. They want to have been writers. They wish they had a book in print. They don’t want to go through the work of getting the damn book out. There is a huge difference.”   James Michener

And so, with the wisdom of this man - I ask my writers “Do you want to become an author or remain a writer?” Either task is doable…you just have to decide!

Now I must quote Nike - “Just Do It!”

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Words to Write by Wednesday: You have at Least One Hour!

Those words ring out to me constantly. Perhaps because my own son, my own flesh and blood said them to me in a conversation while he was living in D.C. and waited on the bus. It began with “Hey Mom, I’m at the bus stop and I’ve got about 5 minutes, how are you doing?”

I smiled because who does that? Who budgets their time to the point where he schedules 5 minutes for a call to his mom. Of course I was just happy to be on the schedule! “So, how’s the book coming?” he asks. I was in the process of writing my first book, 5 Revelations, Improve Your Relationship with God and when I answered by explaining how busy I was with work and church - he explained as only a smart alecky, UofM overachiever, favorite son could:

“Mom, you have at least one hour a day to write - just turn off Law and Order!”

Well! Apparently that college education is going to pay off because he was right. It wasn’t about the hour parked in front of the television. It was about planning, about making time to accomplish something important. The kid budgeted his time down to ‘talk to Mom in the 5 minutes waiting at the bus stop’!

I posit to you that planning 1 hour on Wednesday, or 2 hours on Friday night, or 1 Saturday a month will help you reach your goal. I know I’m busy, you are probably busy too. The point here is that when you decide to accomplish something, take the time to determine when you will actually work on it. Once you do - treat it like you would a job and be there at the time and the place and GET IT DONE! You have at least one hour a night! lol

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Manifold Monday: The Rejuvenation Process

It’s Saturday so Manifold Grace quotes Best Sellers!

So, I’ve shared with my students a number of times how important it is to create an outline. My saga occurred when I had a brilliant idea pop into my head and I began to write it down. It got really good and before you know it, my story had taken off - I had written 4 or 5 chapters.

Putting the wings on the plane while in flight, I soared around, jubilant that I stumbled onto such an amazing tale. Then the wings fell off! I had spent luscious time setting up the story but I had NOT built a bridge from the main conflict to the end. I had no idea how to get my characters to the happy ending already planned.

Right in that moment the light bulb came on! Creativity is most effective when it has purpose. In fact, without purpose, creativity has no room to grow. I’ll first quote my Bishop, Ben Gibert “A dream without regimen is a fantasy.” If you expect to be productive and live out your dreams - or write your book - do yourself a favor and spend time planning it.

Now I’ll quote bestselling author, John Grisham via Writer’s Digest, “An outline is crucial. It saves so much time. When you write suspense, you have to know where you’re going because you have to drop little hints along the way. With the outline, I always know where the story is going. So before I ever write, I prepare an outline of 40 or 50 pages.”  

Now, I’m not suggesting you write a 40 page outline unless that’s what it takes, but listen to the man. Suspense or non-fiction, preparation is key!

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My Backyard Gardener Presents...

Words to Write by Wednesday: What does your reader look like?

Words to Write by Wednesday: What does your reader look like?:


Odd question huh? But, I find it helpful to determine or even imagine how my reader looks. Sometimes we need accountability when we write. Creating an image of your audience can be just the thing to help you stay on track and remain authentic.

It’s easy to remain believable in your coming of age…

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Words to Write by Wednesday: What does your reader look like?

Odd question huh? But, I find it helpful to determine or even imagine how my reader looks. Sometimes we need accountability when we write. Creating an image of your audience can be just the thing to help you stay on track and remain authentic.

It’s easy to remain believable in your coming of age story set in a high school.when your audience is a 15 year old girl with neon colored fingernails, Gap jeans and 50 tubes of lip gloss. Keeping her in front of you will help you focus and see your story through her eyes.

Your expose on the perils of combat will be easier to write when you think of the veteran soldier who is going to read it. You will picture him in fatigues, with his weapon.defending his country and you will know you must honor him.

I often go to these levels when I feel as if i have not hit the nail on the head. But I have a standard image of my reader that serves me well. My reader is sitting at home in their favorite chair in their underwear - ok - pajamas and they have my book in their hands! On the table is a tall glass of Pepsi on ice - ok - wine. As I picture my reader, book in hand, and an eager look of anticipation on their face I know I must do my very best to satisfy them.I am honored they are spending their time and their $$ with me and my book.

Feel free to use my reader as your muse if you must. But, by all means, consider them when you write. Respect your reader’s time, don’t waste it. Engage them and keep them engaged. Speak as the expert you are and don’t be frivolous with your words. Make each word count! They’ve spent money on your book, don’t make them regret it!

My reader is a fan!

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Manifold Monday - GAME ON