Monday, March 20, 2017

Words to Write by Wednesday - on Thursday: Heed the Call!

If only the people who are gifted writers wrote books, the number of books in circulation would instantly decrease by millions. The truth is that not every person who writes a book is a writer. BUT, that doesn’t mean their story should not, or cannot be told.

Yes, it is an amazing gift to be able to write well, but it is even more amazing when you heed the call; writer or not. So you’ve got this idea, concept, story, testimony, burning inside you. It keeps coming back to you - won’t let you sleep at night. You need to heed the call.

No excuses! Get started, do your very best - create a NO PROCRASTINATION ZONE - and without fear do the thing that is in your heart to do! I know, fear that it won’t be good, fear that you can’t do it, fear someone might not like it. Did you know that fear is the number one reason for failure?

It’s not because you tried and failed! That just means you now know what to improve or fix. It’s not because you made a mistake - it’s because you failed to try.

SO, today, refuse to let the evil spirit of fear stop you and heed the call. Don’t give thought to what you can’t do - do what you can do! There’s something special about being aligned with the universe that gives every story purpose.

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