Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama: A Modern Day David?

When Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama visited Germany back in July, my friend Claudette and I had an interesting conversation about him. The pictures of him standing before hundreds of thousands in Germany were everywhere and the McCain camp really tried to brand him a rock star. Claudette made a statement that framed this piece, but before I share that statement, you have to understand Claudette a little bit. She is a spiritually gifted woman who is a social butterfly who loves to laugh and always has a cartoon or two running through her head. So it did not surprise me when she said “You know what, it’s like Barack is David and McCain is Saul – out to get David!”

After we cracked up laughing we began to think about that a little more. When Samuel the prophet had wanted to anoint Saul as King he couldn’t because Saul had been disobedient to God’s explicit direction regarding destruction of the Amalekites. Saul was supposed to destroy them and all their possessions but “greed was good” for Saul and it cost him. McCain had his own spoils of war too. When he came home after the Vietnam war to a now disfigured wife (because of an accident) he stepped out of his wedding vows for the beautiful and wealthy Cindy. But back to Saul, Samuel the prophet stepped up to Saul and called him out. He told him that the Lord God had rent Israel from his hand because of his disobedience and that he was King no more. The Lord even told Samuel that the next King would be a neighbor of Saul’s, and He sent Samuel to a Bethlehemite. Samuel listened to God’s instruction and set out to find the next King in Jesse’s camp.

Once there Jesse paraded every son he had before Samuel, anxious that one of his would become King. And because Samuel insisted that he would know the future King when he saw him and that he had not thus far seen him, Jesse finally told them to bring David in from the fields. Samuel did indeed know him because when they brought David in from his sheepherding duties “he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.” (I Samuel 16:12) David was the youngest, he was beautiful and Samuel anointed him right there on the spot. And the Spirit of the Lord came upon David.

The road to Kingship lead through Saul’s castle. “When the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.” (I Samuel 16:23) So, David used his music to soothe the savage beast that Saul had become. I wonder if Obama provided any calm to his relationship with McCain as they worked together on the senate floor. Barack has certainly provided hope and comfort, confidence to millions of Americans these days. And one of the more prominent adjectives of McCain is that he is hot tempered.

When David rose to battle with Goliath he unashamedly proclaimed that no army was great enough to defeat the army of the Lord. Then he used the weapons he had at his disposal and won that battle. I know you remember the story of David and Goliath and how David slew the giant with a slingshot and a smooth stone. Saul offered David his armor and sword but David showed great wisdom in choosing not to use a weapon he was not proficient with. Obama has been chided by some who supported him to fight back against McCain – to cut him deeply, play dirty in other words. But Barack held fast to his vision, choosing to speak of unity instead. “There is but one America - the United States of America.”

Needless to say, David went on to be a favorite with the people because he walked among them. The soldiers admired his bravery, the people labeled him a hero. . . Saul labeled him an enemy. He hated that the people loved David and now when the evil spirits came upon Saul and David came to play the harp for him, Saul showed his hatred, throwing the javelin at him. Oh it got much worse than that, especially after Colin Powell endorsed Obama. I mean after Saul’s son Jonathan loved and protected David. David’s army was a grass roots army – 600 hundred men who were willing to fight alongside this mighty man. Obama’s grass roots campaign is considered a well oiled machine full of loyal people who support the vision of their leader!

Despite Saul’s numerous attempts on David’s life, when he had the chance David spared Saul – out of respect for God’s anointed. David went on to become the most powerful King in Israel’s history. He was a flawed man. . . but what man isn’t? The thing is David’s desire was to first serve the Lord, then serve the people. Much has been said about Barack Obama’s church affiliation and nothing has been said of John McCain’s. Does he even attend church? He did seek the endorsements of Rod Parsley and John Hagee in an attempt to garner evangelical voters. It backfired on him though because you just can’t censor the man of God, Barack had already learned that! Obama’s prayer was posted on the prayer wall in Israel, it simply says “Lord, Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will.” That sounds like a man after God’s own heart! It sounds like one of the Psalms doesn’t it?

Just a little something to think about. Take a moment and read your Bible today.
I Samuel 15 – 18 provided the background for the parallels drawn here. Maybe cruise the Psalms in search of the prayer of a man seeking direction from God. For sure take the cue from the man who wants to be king, I mean president, and say a prayer today that asks God for forgiveness, protection, wisdom and to be used mightily by Him. That’s a prayer God would love!

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